Flexibility in Circuits & Behaviour Lab

Reinhard Lab

13/06/2024 Lab Outing!

After a beautiful short hike from Basovizza through the Carso to the Slovenian border, we enjoyed an authentic Brazilian BBQ (churrasco) - and of course some Caipirinhas!

06/06/2024 Registrations for RELab summer school open!

 Rewilding Ethology Laboratory is a summer school dedicated to (neuro)ethology including field trips. Katja will be one of the instructors.

05-08/05/2024 SAFE Lab workshop for young PIs.

Katja attended this excellent workshop in Tuscany and took a lot of insights back to the lab on how to make it a more equal, safe and healthy environment. Stay tuned for official updates!

Our lab is committed to sharing protocols, texts on how to apply for grants and positions etc. 

 Mission Statement

Imagine you are cycling through your town and a car door suddenly opens in front of you. You might react by hitting the breaks or by dodging the door and cycling around it. Which reaction is induced depends on external and internal factors – the traffic next to you, your stress level because of the meeting you're cycling to…

Avoiding danger, such as the car door, is one of the most essential and conserved set of behaviors, observed in most species from crabs to primates. To optimize an animal’s survival, the type, magnitude, and kinetics of avoidance responses need to be flexible and adaptable to the current context (traffic, stress…). However, the neural circuit elements that allow for this flexibility in behavioural output are largely unknown. Our aim is to identify how information about the environment and state can adapt behavioural decision making

Equally importantly, the goal of the lab is to enable every member to fulfill their professional goals and to find their path in the lab and beyond – in academia or any other context they choose. We aim to create a space where ‘doing science’ is a motivating and collaborative search for new insights.